The Creative Team creates the overall visual content and visual creativity. We create a space of awe and wonder through lighting, signs, props, aesthetic, creative moments and pave the way for an atmosphere of heavens mysteries to be revealed and for people to encounter Jesus. We serve out of a heart of excellence and pursue the Fathers heart in what he desires to reveal through creativity.

The Production Team has direct oversight and responsibility over the Audio/Production department and for the development of all 'back of house' requirements of the church.  The production team is predominately part of the execution of the vision, dealing with the technical details and logistics.  This includes creating the best music mix possible, creating an audio mix that meets the needs our pastor and/or worship leader would like to convey and supports the audio needs of those involved with the service.  The Broadcast Team is responsible for all live broadcast and in-house services/events.  They monitor the overall experience for the viewers when it comes to the flow of service (transitions), technicalities, creative moments and more.