Church is much more than a building where Christians gather on Sundays to sing songs and listen to the Pastor preach. "The Church" refers to the global Body of Believers who have committed their lives to following, worshipping and being witnesses of Jesus Christ. The Local Church or "Church Homes" are smaller, more intimate gatherings where believers become more aware of the PRESENCE of God through worship, GROW in their faith by hearing The Word of God, find PURPOSE through discovering their spiritual gifts and are EQUIPPED and SENT to share the love of God!
The Holy Spirit empowers or "gifts" certain people within the The Church to govern, guide, gather, guard and ground other believers as Jesus himself would. The Holy Spirit represents Jesus in different ways THROUGH different people so that all may experience Him to the fullest degree!
The 5-Fold Ministry Gifts
Ephesians 4:11-13
Apostle: Govern: Provide structure and order to the Body according to the Word of God.
Prophet: Guide: Bring divine insight and understanding to the time/context and what needs to be done.
Evangelist: Gather: Have a natural ability and heart to share the Gospel and reach the lost.
Pastor: Guard: Shepherds of the Lord's flock. Feed and protect the people with the Word of God.
Teacher: Ground: Have a great understanding of the Word of God and are able to communicate deep revelations to others.
Though not all Christians are called to the 5 Fold Ministries, we ALL have divine giftings within us and God designed The local church to be the place where our spiritual gifts are discovered, nurtured, and used to build up the body of Christ and bring unity.
Jesus chose the church to establish His Kingdom here on earth. He wants to partner with us to carry His gospel to the nations!
The Bible refers to the The Church as "The BODY of Christ", we are the hands and feet of Jesus to carry forth His Good News! As followers of Christ, we cannot accept The Head (Jesus) and neglect His Body (The Church). The Body is made up of many unique parts and each plays a vital role in the healthy and complete functioning of it!
'My own sheep will hear my voice and I know each one, and they will follow me. I give to them the gift of eternal life and they will never be lost and no one has the power to snatch them out of my hands'.
John 10:27-28 AMPC
'Now you [collectively] are Christ’s body and [individually] you are members of it, each part severally and distinct [each with his own place and function].'
1 Cor 12:27 AMPC
Jesus is referred to as the Good Shepherd, and those who accept Him as Saviour are His sheep. Shepherds keep their sheep gathered in a "flock" as there is strength in numbers, accountability and unity. There is an enemy who seeks to devour and turn the hearts of the sheep from following the Good Shepherd (1 Peter 5:8-9). Being apart of a Church home and under a "spiritual covering" is so important to be protected from the schemes of the devourer. We were never intended to walk this journey of faith alone, the sheep are safest at the centre of the herd and under the shepherds guidance.
Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?”
“Yes, Lord,” he said, “you know that I love you.”
Jesus said, “Feed my lambs.”
John 21:15 NIV
By joining and becoming rooted in a local Church we are loving The One who first loved us by honouring His request to serve and care for His beloved ones. Jesus came to earth to serve, so by serving in our Church homes we are in turn becoming more like Jesus, whose image we were created in. The love of God was never meant to stop within us but it becomes complete when we allow it to flow through. Church is where we mature in our love walk!